
woman wearing a slub shirt

Ode to Slub Cotton

From yard work to dishes to sleeping all day Pajamas and t-shirts, at work and at play In all that she does I can certainly say I happily cheer for slub cotton In her eyes [...]


dripping showerhead

Save Time; Save Water; Save Your Marriage

Our co-showers became about more than the sexual thrills of seeing each other naked, lathering up together, and rinsing off sensual suds. Soon, we often found ourselves just showering [...]


two beautiful yet "overweight" women made in the image of God

Healthy Truth #4 – Workmanship

Truth #4 – I am a workmanship in the image of God. Read these verses and meditate on them. Genesis 1:27 (NIV)… So God created mankind in his own image, in the image [...]


Christmas presents under the tree

It’s What You Make of It – Christmas

Last time I complained about the hypocrisy of Christians rabidly condemning Halloween for its pagan origins while happily celebrating Easter despite its arguably pagan [...]


exhausted man

Healthy Truth #12 – Pressure

Truth #12 – Pressure can be productive, but stress is a murderer. In Matthew 6:26, Jesus hinted at this truth (NIV): Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to [...]


woman in costume

ITLAPD – Irreverent Edition

I love this time of year. The summer heat here in Texas begins to dissipate, rain storms roll across the skies, and school takes all the brats — I mean, kids — back out [...]


Easter eggs in a basket

It’s What You Make of It – Easter

Some Christians even claim that 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 refers to an early Easter celebration, but serious scholars dismiss that out of hand. Still, the celebration of Easter is quite old. [...]


recognize beauty without objectifying it

Recognizing vs. Consuming Beauty

Sean and Drew have been coming to this gym for years, but the brothers have only recently started working out together. This new arrangement is great, though, if for no other [...]


bowl of nachos


I've often wondered if there was a viable food-in-the-bedroom option that wasn't in the sugary sweet category. After all, I can only enjoy so much sugar before it’s too rich. I’ll have come to the end of my road on the food while still having an appetite for my wife. [...]


fireworks over a river

July 4th Fireworks

It’s Independence Day, a time when we Americans celebrate the founding of this great nation. Regardless of what it’s degenerating into, the United States has been [...]


women doing pushups on a bench

Healthy Truth #2 – Responsibility to Change

Truth #2 – Only I can change me; I can only change me. And only with God’s help. Note how Paul instructed the Romans in 12:2b (NIV): Be transformed by the renewing of [...]


The Bath, Summer Evening, by Félix Vallotton 1892

The Novelty of Nudity

When I became a parent, I determined I would not raise children who would be ashamed of their bodies. Modesty, privacy, and self-respect were qualities I wanted to pass on to [...]


couple jogging

Exercise Together

Assuming a husband and wife both routinely exercise — and that’s a big assumption in modern America — there’s something highly valuable about exercising [...]


Adam and Eve by Antonio Molinari

Misogyny and Malarkey – Creation

The common tradition often holds the Creation story in Genesis as a historical, scriptural precedent for the built-in superiority of man over woman. That's misogyny and malarkey. Typically, Genesis 3:16 is the go-to verse for substantiation of this idea that men were created superior. [...]


close up of lips

Sin of the Mouth – Is Oral Sex Sinful?

Sodomy. Not good, right? I mean, look how it turned out for Sodom. Their sin was “grievous” according to the outcry reported by the Lord, and He destroyed the [...]


The Ale-House Door by Henry Singleton

Misogyny and Malarkey – The Head

Paul's teachings found in Ephesians 5 have long been used to communicate that wives (and therefore women) are positionally beneath their husbands (and therefore men), as God has placed man as the "head of the household". [...]


naked boy looking outside

Rearing Familiarity

Last week, I posted about my prior soul (and Bible and lots of other) searching about strategically raising children who don’t enter adulthood weighed down by body [...]


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