
Michaelangelo's David

Is it a Sin to Be Naked?

It always stuck with me how Adam and Eve strolled through the Garden of Eden stark naked in the presence of God. They had no shame and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. If [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Adulterers (moichos)

We shouldn’t practice fornication or idolatry according to the first two items on Paul’s list (pornos and eidōlolatrēs respectively) in 1 Corinthians 6:9, and [...]


The Undefiled Marriage Bed

I believe it no exaggeration to claim Hebrews 13:4 as the single most pivotal verse in God's Word on sexuality in marriage. It offers specific instruction amid a context of instruction; this isn't wisdom literature or storytelling. The author plainly states, "Do this." [...]


four draft beers

To Drink or Not to Drink

We’ve covered all sorts of topics here, from the general site motif of sexuality to the entertainment value of foam weaponry. Christian life is far from boring, and [...]


no cussing sign from Virginia Beach

The Bible on Cursing

Well, finding broad commands to not curse was surprisingly more difficult than finding the same for not swearing. Whereas swearing was forbidden directly and clearly, cursing seemed to be handled more circumspectly. [...]


young woman's face

Your Face – Song of Songs 2:14

Song of Songs 2:14b KJV: Let me see thy countenance… NIV: show me your face… NASB: Let me see your form… There are two key words here that reveal a [...]


a horse

Mare – Song of Songs 1:9

Song of Songs 1:9 KJV: I have compared thee, O my love, / To a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots. NIV: I liken you, my darling, to a mare / among Pharaoh’s [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 1

I recently wrote about my recognition that some boundaries aren’t as universally absolute as some Christians believe. Murder is wrong across the board, but can the same [...]


woman in charge

Perverse Submission

Some Christians have hangups about role play, bondage, and other arrangements wherein the man is in a submissive, weak, or helpless posture before the woman. This, they [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 2

I take a systematic, methodical approach when confronting boundaries (or assessing any potential truth) because it produces reliable results. I've adapted John Wesley's quadrilateral to this task, since my personal boundaries are essentially doctrine or truth applied to me personally. [...]


cross tattoo on back

Under the Needle – Tattoos in the Bible

It wasn’t that long ago when a man with tattoos would be shunned by society at large and likely barred from most churches. Today, getting ink done is far more widely [...]


cup of raisins

Raisins and Flagons – Song of Songs 2:5

Song of Songs 2:5a KJV: Stay me with flagons… NIV: Strengthen me with raisins… NASB: Strengthen me with raisin cakes… Given the raisin-oriented [...]


couple kissing

Breath – Song of Songs 7:8

Song of Songs 7:8d KJV: And the smell of thy nose like apples NIV: the fragrance of your breath like apples NASB: and the fragrance of your breath like apples Bad breath is [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Effeminate (malakos)

The word malakos in 1 Corinthians 6:9 is one of the more difficult to translate on the list. The NASB and KJV use “effeminate” while the NIV offers “male [...]


two moms pushing strollers in revealing clothing

On Christian Modesty in Dress

Are Christians supposed to dress modestly? And what does that even mean? Can my wife wear a plunging neckline or a miniskirt for me to enjoy on a date night? What is [...]


engaged couple ready to kiss

What is Lust?

The New Testament speaks pretty clearly on the subject of lust being unhealthy and/or sinful. The obvious go-to Scripture for this can be found in Matthew 5:28 where Jesus [...]


no cussing sign from Virginia Beach

The Bible on Unwholesome Talk

There's a third way explicit language comes under attack, empowered by Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth..." [...]


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