
close up of a camera lens

Home Grown – The Christian Couple’s Sex Tape

Is it wrong for Christians to make a homemade sex tape? The short answer is no, but the long answer requires some vital considerations. First, why do you want to make it? And [...]


woman dressed as Peter Pan

Is Cross-Dressing Sinful?

I was nervous. It was a first of many things. My first major project of my senior English class, my first time trying to teach anything on literature, my first serious tease [...]


stormtroopers avoiding Darth Vader's offensiveness

Defense against Offense – Scripture on Offending Others

For years, I was taught offending other people is sinful, citing verses like Romans 14:21 and 2 Corinthians 6:3. I learned Christians are supposed to be each others' morality police; if the herd says we should or shouldn't do something because they like it or don't, we should obey so we do not sin by offending their sensibilities. [...]


Michaelangelo's David

Is it a Sin to Be Naked?

It always stuck with me how Adam and Eve strolled through the Garden of Eden stark naked in the presence of God. They had no shame and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. If [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Adulterers (moichos)

We shouldn’t practice fornication or idolatry according to the first two items on Paul’s list (pornos and eidōlolatrēs respectively) in 1 Corinthians 6:9, and [...]


The Undefiled Marriage Bed

I believe it no exaggeration to claim Hebrews 13:4 as the single most pivotal verse in God's Word on sexuality in marriage. It offers specific instruction amid a context of instruction; this isn't wisdom literature or storytelling. The author plainly states, "Do this." [...]


couple holding hands

5 Mandates for Marital Masturbation

While the Bible doesn’t seem to address the topic of masturbation clearly, the very nature of masturbation makes it dangerous territory for a married Christian. [...]


adult video store entrance

Is Porn Sinful?

As I’ve indicated on many subjects, I’m fairly liberal in my stance on sex in marriage. There are some immovable lines that cannot be crossed such as adultery, [...]


four draft beers

To Drink or Not to Drink

We’ve covered all sorts of topics here, from the general site motif of sexuality to the entertainment value of foam weaponry. Christian life is far from boring, and [...]


The Prison Staff

My Joseph Journey – The Prison Staff

I use the term prison staff to keep the label deliberately ambiguous. Most outsiders would simply call them “guards” collectively. Most insiders call them [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 1

I recently wrote about my recognition that some boundaries aren’t as universally absolute as some Christians believe. Murder is wrong across the board, but can the same [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 2

I take a systematic, methodical approach when confronting boundaries (or assessing any potential truth) because it produces reliable results. I've adapted John Wesley's quadrilateral to this task, since my personal boundaries are essentially doctrine or truth applied to me personally. [...]


wadded tissue

Scripture on Masturbation

The dreaded “m” word. There are so many colloquial labels for the act. My personal favorite is used at my church’s men’s groups: “Taking matters [...]


topless neon sign

Strip Club Witness

In a theological discussion about the more relative aspects of sin and temptation, a friend once posed an unexpected question to me. In this, he postulated a scenario wherein [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Effeminate (malakos)

The word malakos in 1 Corinthians 6:9 is one of the more difficult to translate on the list. The NASB and KJV use “effeminate” while the NIV offers “male [...]


security fence

On the Boundaries of Sin

The nonbeliever often perceives Christianity as being a set of arbitrary rules and regulations to follow in order to meet some equally arbitrary goal that permits some reward called "heaven" after one's death. The mature believer, apart from knowing no obedience to a set of rules (arbitrary or not) is sufficient for heavenly rewards, recognizes the Law of God to be not arbitrary at all. Rather, His rules are for our best interests. [...]


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