
feet in a hot tub

Swinger Free Hot Tubs

I’m annoyed. When I told my wife I wanted a hot tub, she flinched a little. Hot tubs do, after all, hold a certain reputation. I’m not annoyed my wife immediately [...]


woman with wet hair


I swim about as well as an exhausted, overweight, two-legged basset hound with a pulled hammy. Yet I love going to the pool with my wife. Why is that? The obvious answer is [...]


dripping showerhead

Save Time; Save Water; Save Your Marriage

Our co-showers became about more than the sexual thrills of seeing each other naked, lathering up together, and rinsing off sensual suds. Soon, we often found ourselves just showering [...]


Tuke, Henry Scott (1858–1929), "August Blue," 1893

Can Christians Skinny Dip

In a previous post, I mentioned I saw no need for a universal injunction on Christians in bikinis. My wife and I can use discretion in the when and where, but in the right [...]


Sorry! sex game

Laundry – A Sorry Sex Game

It's laundry day, and there's a guarantee that some or all of what you're wearing will end up in the wash. The only questions are: 1. Will you still be wearing it when the presoak begins? ...and... 2. Will you end up wearing your own clothes? [...]


Game of Life sex game

Wet-n-Wildlife – A Game of Life Sex Game

Break out the swimsuit and have some towels handy. There’s no chance you’ll end up dry, and no guarantee you won’t lose the shirt off your back. But the winnings could be well worth it. [...]


wetlook watergun sex game

Whitewater Showdown – A Wetlook Sex Game

The ultimate wet t-shirt contest, this game involves three rounds of [water gun](#replaceme) mayhem followed by some stimulating lip action. So be prepared to get wet, get naked, and get wet all over again. But know that the dryer you stay _during_ the match, the wetter you'll get when it's all over. [...]


Korean Sinchon watergun warriors


Nowadays, water guns come in all shapes and sizes, from the cheap handheld ordeals that empty in minutes and break after a couple refills to the heavy duty Super Soakers with sights and incredible ranges. Well, this row of lusty boxes contained something like a Super Soaker on steroids. [...]
