
woman in short "Santa" dress

Santa Baby

Growing up, my family had a fun little Christmas Eve tradition that was hardly unique. My parents would pick out a single gift for each person, and we’d all get to open [...]


shadow of a man in antlers

Antlers Only

It’s only fair. I’ve added a bit of #irreverentholidays flair to our Christmas Eve traditions with having my wife get all dressed up, so on Christmas night, [...]


Columbus statue

Explore Like Columbus Day

The second Monday in October is one of those awkward American holidays that are easy to forget. Columbus Day celebrates the first Europeans (except those other two groups of [...]


green glittery hat

Find My Green

Get ready for a pinch. We each take turns with a timer, letting the other person strip all the clothes off us and hunt for our hidden speckle of green. Once the dot is found, [...]


woman in costume

ITLAPD – Irreverent Edition

I love this time of year. The summer heat here in Texas begins to dissipate, rain storms roll across the skies, and school takes all the brats — I mean, kids — back out [...]


fireworks over a river

July 4th Fireworks

It’s Independence Day, a time when we Americans celebrate the founding of this great nation. Regardless of what it’s degenerating into, the United States has been [...]


roll of singles

Presidents Strip

It’s barely past Valentine’s Day and already we’re facing another celebration in America. But this one is even a legal holiday for much of the nation: [...]
