This category contains information about our writers, their families, their lives, and stuff that might just be too much information. Laugh with us (or at us), but enter at your own risk.

wavy hair with a braid

Sexy Braids

I think braided hair is beautiful. This is true for the blue-haired Betty down the street who always smells like moth balls wrapped in licorice and the excitable [...]


woman in short "Santa" dress

Santa Baby

Growing up, my family had a fun little Christmas Eve tradition that was hardly unique. My parents would pick out a single gift for each person, and we’d all get to open [...]


couple cuddling as they sleep

Midnight Friskies

We call them midnight friskies, which really sounds like a sexy breakfast cereal. Which is appropriate, I suppose, since it’s also a late night snack of choice… [...]


shadow of a man in antlers

Antlers Only

It’s only fair. I’ve added a bit of #irreverentholidays flair to our Christmas Eve traditions with having my wife get all dressed up, so on Christmas night, [...]


woman with green hair

Unnatural Hair Colors

I’ll be the first to admit my wife has gorgeous hair. Its sweet cinnamon tresses tumble in a rich medley of cutesy curls, luxurious locks, and wandering waves. Each [...]


When a Cheesy Romance Novel Changed My Life

This is a little ridiculous, but I had a life-changing experience while reading a silly supernatural romance novel. Yes, I read that stuff sometimes. And I’m an adult [...]


Columbus statue

Explore Like Columbus Day

The second Monday in October is one of those awkward American holidays that are easy to forget. Columbus Day celebrates the first Europeans (except those other two groups of [...]


girl in lingerie on couch

Negligible Negligee Time

I might be accused of falling short of being a red-blooded man, but I used to not like lingerie. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the way my wife looked in lingerie. A lot. [...]


man in suit with woman breathing in ear

Sexual Wife FTW

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22 NASB). Wise words from the very book of wisdom. I’ve gotta say, [...]


couple kissing in the rain

Rain Love

One of the great things about living where we do is the storms that come through in the spring. They’re not all warm fuzzies of course. There’s occasional deadly [...]


Herbert the pervert from Family Guy

Feeling Like a Creepy Old Man

I have a problem. You see, my wife has always been really sexy. Now, this might not sound like a problem to you, but hear me out. Throughout our relationship, I have been [...]


fog sex

A Fog Sex Fantasy

There's one aspect of this time of year that I fully appreciate: fog. In particular, I want to enjoy my wife while I enjoy the fog. [...]


man with a headache

No More Headaches

I was reading in an old magazine and stumbled across an interesting tidbit. A survey and found something that gives me some hope. A majority of migraine sufferers reported [...]


a bite mark on a man's neck

Bite Me

For the whole of our relationship, I’ve been thrilled by irritating, harassing, and teasing my wife. It’s something like how a five-year-old boy pushes down a [...]


road head

Road Head

Road head (or "road h" for short, for some reason) is when a man is driving while a woman performs oral sex on him. Not very safe, but... [...]


Surprise Video Chat

Imagine I’m being a typical worker bee at the office, typing away at some droll report or reading an email from a client when an instant message from my wife pops up. [...]


woman with wet hair


I swim about as well as an exhausted, overweight, two-legged basset hound with a pulled hammy. Yet I love going to the pool with my wife. Why is that? The obvious answer is [...]


green glittery hat

Find My Green

Get ready for a pinch. We each take turns with a timer, letting the other person strip all the clothes off us and hunt for our hidden speckle of green. Once the dot is found, [...]


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