
magazine stand

Healthy Truth #10 – Popular Culture

Truth #10 – Popular culture is a fickle bitch. I apologize if my word choice offends you, but frankly the subject matter offends me. I don’t generally use such [...]


Santa Claus

The Truth about Santa

I don't condemn any parent for doing the Santa thing. But here's why I won't. [...]


two women in kimonos

Evolution of the Kimono

I find a great deal of fascination in the traditional attire of cultures from around the world. The huge variety in designs, materials, patterns, and stylistic touches are [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 1

I recently wrote about my recognition that some boundaries aren’t as universally absolute as some Christians believe. Murder is wrong across the board, but can the same [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 2

I take a systematic, methodical approach when confronting boundaries (or assessing any potential truth) because it produces reliable results. I've adapted John Wesley's quadrilateral to this task, since my personal boundaries are essentially doctrine or truth applied to me personally. [...]


wadded tissue

Scripture on Masturbation

The dreaded “m” word. There are so many colloquial labels for the act. My personal favorite is used at my church’s men’s groups: “Taking matters [...]


feet in a hot tub

Swinger Free Hot Tubs

I’m annoyed. When I told my wife I wanted a hot tub, she flinched a little. Hot tubs do, after all, hold a certain reputation. I’m not annoyed my wife immediately [...]


banana and condom

Mandatory Homeschooling

In cases like ours where our kids attend public school, there is one class offered at their school that we'd better make sure we teach at home first: sex ed. [...]


two moms pushing strollers in revealing clothing

On Christian Modesty in Dress

Are Christians supposed to dress modestly? And what does that even mean? Can my wife wear a plunging neckline or a miniskirt for me to enjoy on a date night? What is [...]


gold bullion

Healthy Truth #9 – Investment Strategies

Truth #9 – Fitness is a long-term investment. In Habakkuk 3:19a-c (NIV), the prophet said: The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes me feel like the feet of a deer, he [...]


Christmas presents under the tree

It’s What You Make of It – Christmas

Last time I complained about the hypocrisy of Christians rabidly condemning Halloween for its pagan origins while happily celebrating Easter despite its arguably pagan [...]


Easter eggs in a basket

It’s What You Make of It – Easter

Some Christians even claim that 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 refers to an early Easter celebration, but serious scholars dismiss that out of hand. Still, the celebration of Easter is quite old. [...]


The Bath, Summer Evening, by Félix Vallotton 1892

The Novelty of Nudity

When I became a parent, I determined I would not raise children who would be ashamed of their bodies. Modesty, privacy, and self-respect were qualities I wanted to pass on to [...]


naked boy looking outside

Rearing Familiarity

Last week, I posted about my prior soul (and Bible and lots of other) searching about strategically raising children who don’t enter adulthood weighed down by body [...]


Jack o Lanterns

It’s What You Make of It – Halloween

In both Easter and Christmas, we’ve seen Christians attempt to redeem the festivals and holy days of pagan religions by freeing the harmless customs from the ungodly [...]


bacon angels

Beautiful Bacon

I'm so thankful for the freedom to eat bacon that comes with this Christianity thing. I won't say that it was the deciding factor when choosing between the big three monotheistic religions, but it certainly didn't hurt the case. [...]


two belly dancers

Belly Dancing and OCD

I have a thing for bellies, and I make no secret of that. Maybe it's not a full-grown fetish, but it's notably influential. It may come as a surprise, then, that the art of traditional belly dancing doesn't "do it" for me. [...]
