Stigma & Menace S&M, or sadism and masochism, has developed a heavy reputation for creeps with superiority complexes, emotionally challenged women in leather, and a [...]
Okay, time for a confession from a weirdo. When it snows, I totally want to see my wife go out in nothing but some furry boots and heavy gloves, and lay down, and make a [...]
A Quiet Evening You’re lounging on the couch, sipping on some merlot as you enjoy a quiet moment with a good book. The house is clean, dinner was excellent, and there [...]
In the bedroom (and in the rest of the world), one of the most useful knots to know is the slip knot. It's extremely easy to do — in fact, it's so simple it's the only one I remember from my scouting days — and is highly versatile. Some of our other How-To posts call for slip knots, so it might be helpful to know. [...]
We’re considering the viability of sadism and masochism (commonly referred to as S&M) in a Christian marriage. The prospect is daunting — after all, the whole [...]
For the whole of our relationship, I’ve been thrilled by irritating, harassing, and teasing my wife. It’s something like how a five-year-old boy pushes down a [...]
Get ready for a pinch. We each take turns with a timer, letting the other person strip all the clothes off us and hunt for our hidden speckle of green. Once the dot is found, [...]
This kinky game is a great way to have some unpleasant and pleasant experiences in the safe afternoon. Someone will suffer, but you never know who. And that person might also get pleasured… if they refuse to say the safe word. [...]