Ultimately, the breasts are for babies, and they do this wonderful plumping like Ball Park franks when they do their work. And as they do, their beauty expands accordingly. Yet this is not the narrow scope of sex appeal, per se. [...]
Truth #3 – My contentment will not derive from numbers or my appearance. This is a tough one, but it’s so crucial that much of the Bible teaches on it. Let’s [...]
A man who despises shopping with his wife is a Pack Mule whereas a man who desires shopping with his wife is a Husband. And believe it or not, he doesn't get to pick his role; it is placed on him by his wife.
Truth #10 – Popular culture is a fickle bitch. I apologize if my word choice offends you, but frankly the subject matter offends me. I don’t generally use such [...]
Am I the only one who finds it peculiar that men have nipples? On women, they serve a purpose. They offer a source of nutrition to the youngest of children and a source of [...]
Truth #7 – My weight is a funhouse mirror. One of the biggest things I struggle with as a personal trainer is helping people end the love/hate affair that is their [...]
Truth #1 – I was created to be me and no one else. Read Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV) and ponder your Creator and His creation: For you created my inmost being; you knit me [...]
Whether full of sharp angles, supple curves, or some combination of the two, the woman's body is the literal personification of beauty. Why wouldn't men be drawn to such a wonder? What doesn't make sense to me is the appeal of the male body. We're all awkward shapes, hairy parts, and dangling members. [...]
The default pattern of shopping, for some reason, involves the man assuming the mantle of Pack Mule while the wife does her business. If you're not going to go that route, you've got to deliberately choose to do otherwise. The Husband experience has to be a mutual decision. That means: talking about it. [...]
Like many curvy women, my wife has to search far and wide to find clothes that fit her properly. For the most part, options that fit one area are tight on another, or worse, [...]
The Pack Mule is the man a wife takes shopping with him to carry bags and nothing more. She might permit him to voice an opinion on an outfit or two, bit it's for his benefit, not hers. She's picked one specific outfit to let him see to confirm an already-made decision. His opinion doesn't really matter. [...]
My wife is gorgeous to me. Like, really gorgeous. Every dip, curve, and contour screams, "I am woman; be enthralled!" But there is one state that magnifies all that feminine intensity to epic proportions: pregnancy. [...]
Truth #5 – My lifestyle will result in health or unhealth. Paul instructed the church in Rome about the lifestyle they should lead in Romans 12:1a (NIV): Offer your bodies [...]
Truth #9 – Fitness is a long-term investment. In Habakkuk 3:19a-c (NIV), the prophet said: The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes me feel like the feet of a deer, he [...]
What does this much-vaunted idea of humility entail? Is there room for a Christian self-love or self-esteem? Or are we all depraved and worthless? [...]
Truth #4 – I am a workmanship in the image of God. Read these verses and meditate on them. Genesis 1:27 (NIV)… So God created mankind in his own image, in the image [...]
When I was younger and really starting to pray about my future wife, someone recommended that I follow the advice of Habakkuk 2:2 and write out my vision of what I wanted in [...]