
not that kind of tease

When I Tease My Wife

I love to tease my wife. A lot. Does that make me a sociopath? A sadist? Or just a guy? Or, perhaps, is there not much difference between the three? [...]


white duck among many others

Healthy Truth #1 – Created to Be Me

Truth #1 – I was created to be me and no one else. Read Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV) and ponder your Creator and His creation: For you created my inmost being; you knit me [...]


a horse

Mare – Song of Songs 1:9

Song of Songs 1:9 KJV: I have compared thee, O my love, / To a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots. NIV: I liken you, my darling, to a mare / among Pharaoh’s [...]


The Prison Staff

My Joseph Journey – The Prison Staff

I use the term prison staff to keep the label deliberately ambiguous. Most outsiders would simply call them “guards” collectively. Most insiders call them [...]


couple kissing in a wooded area

My Love with Your Delights

Song of Songs 7:6 KJV: How fair and pleasant art thou, O love, for delights! NIV: How beautiful you are and how pleasing, / my love, with your delights! NASB: How beautiful [...]


Building a Nation of Compromise

Building a Nation of Compromise

I’m talking about politics as much as religion in this series. At least on the surface. Feel free to move along to something more innocuous (like dwarf bunnies) if you [...]


a gate in a wooden fence

Confronting Boundaries — Part 1

I recently wrote about my recognition that some boundaries aren’t as universally absolute as some Christians believe. Murder is wrong across the board, but can the same [...]


pierced lip

Pierced for Our Fashions

Apart from keeping all those small kiosks in malls busy, are there serious consequences to wearing such jewelry? Don't some people say the Bible says we're not supposed to pierce our bodies? [...]


When a Cheesy Romance Novel Changed My Life

This is a little ridiculous, but I had a life-changing experience while reading a silly supernatural romance novel. Yes, I read that stuff sometimes. And I’m an adult [...]


woman in charge

Perverse Submission

Some Christians have hangups about role play, bondage, and other arrangements wherein the man is in a submissive, weak, or helpless posture before the woman. This, they [...]


lovesick woman

Lovesick – Song of Songs 5:8

Song of Songs 5:8 KJV: I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem; / If ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, / That I am sick of love. NIV: Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you [...]


Columbus statue

Explore Like Columbus Day

The second Monday in October is one of those awkward American holidays that are easy to forget. Columbus Day celebrates the first Europeans (except those other two groups of [...]


girl in lingerie on couch

Negligible Negligee Time

I might be accused of falling short of being a red-blooded man, but I used to not like lingerie. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the way my wife looked in lingerie. A lot. [...]


man in suit with woman breathing in ear

Sexual Wife FTW

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22 NASB). Wise words from the very book of wisdom. I’ve gotta say, [...]


privacy hotel door tag

The Prevarication of Privacy – Part 2

"Privacy" is highly valued, but is it highly valuable? We've seen how the family unit breaks down under all the efforts to keep a personal sense of privacy, even in that relational context. This was not always the way. In most of the past, marriage, childbearing, and the broader social dynamic were far more intimate. They lived life together. [...]


Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster Kisses

His eyes went wide as I inhaled, pulled him in, and planted kisses and ridiculous growling noises on his cheeks and face. I sounded like the Cookie Monster devouring a triple layer chocolate chip cookie cake. A joyfully squealing cookie cake wearing a diaper. [...]


woman taking off skirt

The Christian Strip Tease – Worn Stuff

The date is set. The playlist is queued up. You’re psyched up, and you’ve got your game face on. However, that’s all you’ve got on, as you stare into [...]


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