
castle with moat

The Wisdom of Boundaries

"I just don't even understand how a man could do that," I said, adding a mental, Grow a pair, man! I was the king of cliché Christian judgmentalism. And he was the scum of the earth. So profound was my disgust that I still remember the exact intersection I was driving up to when we had this conversation. [...]


woman pressed against glass

Smudges on the Glass

There’s something about a pane of glass. Growing up, my mom was one of millions of irritated parents that had perpetually dirty prints all over windows and glass doors [...]


Tuke, Henry Scott (1858–1929), "August Blue," 1893

Can Christians Skinny Dip

In a previous post, I mentioned I saw no need for a universal injunction on Christians in bikinis. My wife and I can use discretion in the when and where, but in the right [...]


pack mule

The Pack Mule Experience

A man who despises shopping with his wife is a Pack Mule whereas a man who desires shopping with his wife is a Husband. And believe it or not, he doesn't get to pick his role; it is placed on him by his wife. [...]


Public Display of Affection

PDA – Public Displays of Affection

There’s something thrilling about making a public claim on my wife. It’s like sticking my own personal imperial flag in the ground and shouting, “I claim [...]


magazine stand

Healthy Truth #10 – Popular Culture

Truth #10 – Popular culture is a fickle bitch. I apologize if my word choice offends you, but frankly the subject matter offends me. I don’t generally use such [...]


Santa Claus

The Truth about Santa

I don't condemn any parent for doing the Santa thing. But here's why I won't. [...]


Raya from the Song of Songs strips to dance

Raya’s Dance – 3: She Dances

Dôdi watched as Raya approached the monolith and paused before turning to face the crowd. She waited for the abundant applause to die down as she looked to her husband in [...]


woman's eyes

Overwhelming Eyes – Song of Songs 6:5

Song of Songs 6:5a KJV: Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me: NIV: Turn your eyes from me; / they overwhelm me. NASB: Turn your eyes away from me, / For [...]


close up of a camera lens

Home Grown – The Christian Couple’s Sex Tape

Is it wrong for Christians to make a homemade sex tape? The short answer is no, but the long answer requires some vital considerations. First, why do you want to make it? And [...]


man's bare chest

Temples with Nipples

Am I the only one who finds it peculiar that men have nipples? On women, they serve a purpose. They offer a source of nutrition to the youngest of children and a source of [...]


woman dressed as Peter Pan

Is Cross-Dressing Sinful?

I was nervous. It was a first of many things. My first major project of my senior English class, my first time trying to teach anything on literature, my first serious tease [...]


close-up of a ribbed tank top

Repurposed Beaters

In honor of Earth Day this year, I thought I’d share a little story of how the Osgood family recycled [white] trash into turn-on. It’s not really another of my [...]


two women in kimonos

Evolution of the Kimono

I find a great deal of fascination in the traditional attire of cultures from around the world. The huge variety in designs, materials, patterns, and stylistic touches are [...]


man putting on a ski mask

Fake Rape – Rape Roleplay

A Quiet Evening You’re lounging on the couch, sipping on some merlot as you enjoy a quiet moment with a good book. The house is clean, dinner was excellent, and there [...]


mother with infant on shoulder

My Milf

When my wife is being the mother of my children, it’s sexy. Bottom line. It’s hard to be sexier than my wife when she’s being deliberately sensual. Dancing, [...]


baby feet in parents' hands

The Effect of Kids on Marital Intimacy

If you’ve read much of our site, you could get the feeling that Clara and I are like bunnies, always bumping and grinding at every opportunity. You might think we face [...]


stormtroopers avoiding Darth Vader's offensiveness

Defense against Offense – Scripture on Offending Others

For years, I was taught offending other people is sinful, citing verses like Romans 14:21 and 2 Corinthians 6:3. I learned Christians are supposed to be each others' morality police; if the herd says we should or shouldn't do something because they like it or don't, we should obey so we do not sin by offending their sensibilities. [...]


a toy plumber bending over

Gotta Respect the Plumber Butt

It’s interesting to me how some professions seem to include a certainty of partial nudity. I’m not referring to exotic dancers. I mean the less obvious ones. [...]


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