
two moms pushing strollers in revealing clothing

On Christian Modesty in Dress

Are Christians supposed to dress modestly? And what does that even mean? Can my wife wear a plunging neckline or a miniskirt for me to enjoy on a date night? What is [...]


The Bath, Summer Evening, by Félix Vallotton 1892

The Novelty of Nudity

When I became a parent, I determined I would not raise children who would be ashamed of their bodies. Modesty, privacy, and self-respect were qualities I wanted to pass on to [...]


close up of lips

Sin of the Mouth – Is Oral Sex Sinful?

Sodomy. Not good, right? I mean, look how it turned out for Sodom. Their sin was “grievous” according to the outcry reported by the Lord, and He destroyed the [...]


naked boy looking outside

Rearing Familiarity

Last week, I posted about my prior soul (and Bible and lots of other) searching about strategically raising children who don’t enter adulthood weighed down by body [...]


woman in cami and underwear

Adultery with Your Wife

Prior to writing the Latin Vulgate, St. Jerome was so haunted by sexual fantasies of “bands of dancing girls” he was unable to quench his own “fires of [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Fornicators (pornos)

The first word Paul uses in his 1 Corinthians 6:9 list of kingdom-noninheritors is pornos, a word translated as “fornicators” in the NASB and KJV and as the [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Summary

In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he offers a lot of tough but encouraging words of instruction regarding how to live life. Within these few chapters, he [...]


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