
close-up of a ribbed tank top

Repurposed Beaters

In honor of Earth Day this year, I thought I’d share a little story of how the Osgood family recycled [white] trash into turn-on. It’s not really another of my [...]


sleeping naked

Exposed Repose – Can Parents Sleep Naked?

The tangle of limbs, the heat of skin on skin, it's great. And so it remained until my wife peed on a stick one day. Now, my most comfortable state was in question. I knew what newlyweds did. We were good at that. But I didn't know what parents did. So, I dug deeper. [...]


Leg in Footie Pajamas

Pajamas with Feet

When my son was still little, he wore these big, all-covering affairs. It was one huge piece that had long sleeves, long pants, and feet. Yes, pajamas with the feet. I was imagining something similar in my wife's size, with some minor tweaks. [...]


Clue sex game

Cluthes – A Clue Sex Game

Cluthes is all about clothes; each room change could result in a change of attire, and you can risk losing some (or all) of your clothing for a while after the game’s completion. [...]


Risk sex game

Frisk – a Risk Sex Game

You can score a heavy advantage if you can find the die hidden on the other player. If you fail, try to survive long enough to frisk again. [...]
