This category contains information about our writers, their families, their lives, and stuff that might just be too much information. Laugh with us (or at us), but enter at your own risk.

Cosplay = Winning

I played video games throughout my childhood, but it wasn’t until high school when I was truly hooked. I started a game and was greeted by a lady in a pink dress, [...]


black and white striped tights

Peeling It Off

My wife once told me about how she commiserated with a girlfriend about Spanx. For the uninitiated, Spanx is a popular brand of shapewear — tight-fitting underwear designed [...]


door knocker

Hey, Get the Door; I’m Not Decent!

I love the image of my wife opening the door while she’s “not decent”. “Hey, get the door!” she calls as the doorbell finishes ringing, [...]


grandmother in Christmas sweater

Checking Out Grandma

I’m not proud of it, but I’ve checked out my wife’s grandmothers more times than I can count. Now, let me clarify. I’m not saying I’ve lusted [...]


woman in miniskirt

Full Slut Mode

When my wife and I go out on a date, I always like it when she gives me a little something to look at. Some eye candy. Something to keep my eyes and thoughts coming back for [...]


snow angel

Naked Snow Angels

Okay, time for a confession from a weirdo. When it snows, I totally want to see my wife go out in nothing but some furry boots and heavy gloves, and lay down, and make a [...]


woman lifting her dress

Quick as a Flash – When My Wife Flashes Me

It can be creative or simple, private or public, unique or repetitive, lighting quick or seconds long, fully bared or underweared. I’ve given my wife a green light, [...]


woman pressed against glass

Smudges on the Glass

There’s something about a pane of glass. Growing up, my mom was one of millions of irritated parents that had perpetually dirty prints all over windows and glass doors [...]


close-up of a ribbed tank top

Repurposed Beaters

In honor of Earth Day this year, I thought I’d share a little story of how the Osgood family recycled [white] trash into turn-on. It’s not really another of my [...]


two women in kimonos

Evolution of the Kimono

I find a great deal of fascination in the traditional attire of cultures from around the world. The huge variety in designs, materials, patterns, and stylistic touches are [...]


mother with infant on shoulder

My Milf

When my wife is being the mother of my children, it’s sexy. Bottom line. It’s hard to be sexier than my wife when she’s being deliberately sensual. Dancing, [...]


roll of singles

Presidents Strip

It’s barely past Valentine’s Day and already we’re facing another celebration in America. But this one is even a legal holiday for much of the nation: [...]


wavy hair with a braid

Sexy Braids

I think braided hair is beautiful. This is true for the blue-haired Betty down the street who always smells like moth balls wrapped in licorice and the excitable [...]


woman in short "Santa" dress

Santa Baby

Growing up, my family had a fun little Christmas Eve tradition that was hardly unique. My parents would pick out a single gift for each person, and we’d all get to open [...]


couple cuddling as they sleep

Midnight Friskies

We call them midnight friskies, which really sounds like a sexy breakfast cereal. Which is appropriate, I suppose, since it’s also a late night snack of choice… [...]


shadow of a man in antlers

Antlers Only

It’s only fair. I’ve added a bit of #irreverentholidays flair to our Christmas Eve traditions with having my wife get all dressed up, so on Christmas night, [...]


woman with green hair

Unnatural Hair Colors

I’ll be the first to admit my wife has gorgeous hair. Its sweet cinnamon tresses tumble in a rich medley of cutesy curls, luxurious locks, and wandering waves. Each [...]


When a Cheesy Romance Novel Changed My Life

This is a little ridiculous, but I had a life-changing experience while reading a silly supernatural romance novel. Yes, I read that stuff sometimes. And I’m an adult [...]


Columbus statue

Explore Like Columbus Day

The second Monday in October is one of those awkward American holidays that are easy to forget. Columbus Day celebrates the first Europeans (except those other two groups of [...]


girl in lingerie on couch

Negligible Negligee Time

I might be accused of falling short of being a red-blooded man, but I used to not like lingerie. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the way my wife looked in lingerie. A lot. [...]


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