Sex & Religion

woman in cami and underwear

Adultery with Your Wife

Prior to writing the Latin Vulgate, St. Jerome was so haunted by sexual fantasies of “bands of dancing girls” he was unable to quench his own “fires of [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Fornicators (pornos)

The first word Paul uses in his 1 Corinthians 6:9 list of kingdom-noninheritors is pornos, a word translated as “fornicators” in the NASB and KJV and as the [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Summary

In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he offers a lot of tough but encouraging words of instruction regarding how to live life. Within these few chapters, he [...]


the immodesty of a visible bra strap

Mind Your Modesty

I don’t stick to what most people would consider “conventional Christian” views on wardrobe choices. Maybe you don’t, either. So to be clear, [...]


family wearing bikinis

Should Christians Wear Bikinis

I recall hearing a story about the grade school daughter of some church leaders who attended a slumber party at a friend’s house. “Bring your swimsuit,” her [...]


Tuke, Henry Scott (1858–1929), "August Blue," 1893

Can Christians Skinny Dip

In a previous post, I mentioned I saw no need for a universal injunction on Christians in bikinis. My wife and I can use discretion in the when and where, but in the right [...]


close up of a camera lens

Home Grown – The Christian Couple’s Sex Tape

Is it wrong for Christians to make a homemade sex tape? The short answer is no, but the long answer requires some vital considerations. First, why do you want to make it? And [...]


woman dressed as Peter Pan

Is Cross-Dressing Sinful?

I was nervous. It was a first of many things. My first major project of my senior English class, my first time trying to teach anything on literature, my first serious tease [...]


man putting on a ski mask

Fake Rape – Rape Roleplay

A Quiet Evening You’re lounging on the couch, sipping on some merlot as you enjoy a quiet moment with a good book. The house is clean, dinner was excellent, and there [...]


vain modesty and biblical modesty

Biblical Modesty and Vain Modesty

As a culture influenced by a narrow (and frankly misogynist) interpretation of Scripture’s mandates for modesty, we have really lost sight of what biblical modesty means. [...]


erotic wisdom in Proverbs 5:15-20

Erotic Wisdom in Proverbs 5

Bendita seas mi fuente. In high school, I never paid much attention in Spanish class, but I got a curiosity as an adult and put in some time trying to learn. It didn’t [...]


Michaelangelo's David

Is it a Sin to Be Naked?

It always stuck with me how Adam and Eve strolled through the Garden of Eden stark naked in the presence of God. They had no shame and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. If [...]


a happy couple

To Know and to Be Known

Green light seeped through his cracked eyelids and he immediately began rubbing his eyes. He could tell he’d been out for a bit, sleeping deeper than ever in his life. [...]


Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Paul Writing His Epistles

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Adulterers (moichos)

We shouldn’t practice fornication or idolatry according to the first two items on Paul’s list (pornos and eidōlolatrēs respectively) in 1 Corinthians 6:9, and [...]


The Undefiled Marriage Bed

I believe it no exaggeration to claim Hebrews 13:4 as the single most pivotal verse in God's Word on sexuality in marriage. It offers specific instruction amid a context of instruction; this isn't wisdom literature or storytelling. The author plainly states, "Do this." [...]


couple holding hands

5 Mandates for Marital Masturbation

While the Bible doesn’t seem to address the topic of masturbation clearly, the very nature of masturbation makes it dangerous territory for a married Christian. [...]


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