
no cussing sign from Virginia Beach

The Bible on Swearing

I thought the idea strange —one series of sounds from someone's mouth forms an unacceptable word while another series of sounds makes an acceptable word. Sounds are sounds, right? But like a "good" Christian noob, I obeyed first and asked questions later. [...]


the immodesty of a visible bra strap

Mind Your Modesty

I don’t stick to what most people would consider “conventional Christian” views on wardrobe choices. Maybe you don’t, either. So to be clear, [...]


ancient cylinder seal and impression

A Seal – Song of Songs 8:6

Song of Songs 8:6a KJV: Set me as a seal upon thine heart, / As a seal upon thine arm: NIV: Place me like a seal over your heart, / like a seal on your arm; NASB: Put me like [...]


Jack o Lanterns

It’s What You Make of It – Halloween

In both Easter and Christmas, we’ve seen Christians attempt to redeem the festivals and holy days of pagan religions by freeing the harmless customs from the ungodly [...]


Christian Jewishness

Christian Jewishness

Many months ago, I asked Freya to consider sharing some insights from her family’s heritage, expecting a fascinating look into a culture that has so much to do with our [...]


woman unbuttoning top

The Christian Strip Tease – Soul Stuff

So, your husband asked you to strip for him, and after his incessant begging, you’ve reluctantly agreed. Or perhaps you’ve got a special night coming up, and you [...]


girl with pink hair

Why Not Match the Carpet to the Drapes?

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “The carpet doesn’t match the drapes.” Well, maybe you haven’t. Perhaps you’ve lived your whole [...]


snow angel

Naked Snow Angels

Okay, time for a confession from a weirdo. When it snows, I totally want to see my wife go out in nothing but some furry boots and heavy gloves, and lay down, and make a [...]


The Filth in Prison

My Joseph Journey – The Filth

When I was a child, my parents took me to a local race track with a communal urinal full of yellowed ice and the fetid bugs that had fallen from the fluorescent frivolity [...]


woman lifting her dress

Quick as a Flash – When My Wife Flashes Me

It can be creative or simple, private or public, unique or repetitive, lighting quick or seconds long, fully bared or underweared. I’ve given my wife a green light, [...]


Unexpected Erotica - Every Delicacy

Every Delicacy, New and Old, for You

Song of Songs 7:13b-d KJV: And at our gates are _all manner of pleasant _fruits, / New and old, / Which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved. NIV: and at our door is every [...]


family wearing bikinis

Should Christians Wear Bikinis

I recall hearing a story about the grade school daughter of some church leaders who attended a slumber party at a friend’s house. “Bring your swimsuit,” her [...]


cat curled up and sleeping

Healthy Truth #3 – Contentment

Truth #3 – My contentment will not derive from numbers or my appearance. This is a tough one, but it’s so crucial that much of the Bible teaches on it. Let’s [...]


kids on the floor

Family Floor Night

Once a month this happens, and that's a good thing, because any more would be exhausting. Our home, especially our living room, gets transformed into something special. We call it Family Floor Night. [...]


Grumpy Old Man

Ageism in Reverse

I’ll never forget that day. I was speaking with a guy who was proudly accounting the details of his efforts to lose weight. We’d just met, so he had no idea that [...]


Christianity and Anti-semitism

In recent years, I've come to see anti-semitism as what it is: a malignant undercurrent that occasionally manifests in horrible ways but never really goes away. [...]


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