
a stopwatch

The Minute Man

Years ago, I was having a business meeting with a self-described cowboy from northern California. He looked something like a cross between Willie Nelson and Yosemite Sam and [...]


personal trainer guiding client through kettlebell swings

Healthy Truth #11 – Accountability

Truth #11 – Accountability cannot force me; it can only reinforce me. In Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, he followed up on his instructions to carry each [...]


An Evolution of Consent – Recognizing Nuance

Last week, I related the story of how Clara exposed me to the reality of my depravity: that long ago, I actually raped her. A product of my cultural upbringing and a couple [...]


usb humping dogs

Canine Credit

They call it “doggystyle”. It’s the sexual position where a woman bends over while on her knees, positioning herself on all fours, while a man penetrates [...]


Christian Self-Love

What does this much-vaunted idea of humility entail? Is there room for a Christian self-love or self-esteem? Or are we all depraved and worthless? [...]


road head

Road Head

Road head (or "road h" for short, for some reason) is when a man is driving while a woman performs oral sex on him. Not very safe, but... [...]


Surprise Video Chat

Imagine I’m being a typical worker bee at the office, typing away at some droll report or reading an email from a client when an instant message from my wife pops up. [...]


woman with wet hair


I swim about as well as an exhausted, overweight, two-legged basset hound with a pulled hammy. Yet I love going to the pool with my wife. Why is that? The obvious answer is [...]


engaged couple ready to kiss

What is Lust?

The New Testament speaks pretty clearly on the subject of lust being unhealthy and/or sinful. The obvious go-to Scripture for this can be found in Matthew 5:28 where Jesus [...]


share your dreams with your spouse

Share your Dreams with your Spouse

You'll spend six years of your life dreaming. Do you regularly share this significant part of your life with your significant other? If not, you're missing out on some real intimacy. [...]


integrity - a foundation of sand

Integral Faith – A Foundation of Sand

Years ago, I was fiery evangelical. Today, I'm very much not. Did I backslide? Or did I mature? I've been wrestling with this question a lot lately. [...]


green glittery hat

Find My Green

Get ready for a pinch. We each take turns with a timer, letting the other person strip all the clothes off us and hunt for our hidden speckle of green. Once the dot is found, [...]


no cussing sign from Virginia Beach

The Bible on Unwholesome Talk

There's a third way explicit language comes under attack, empowered by Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth..." [...]


navel ring

Sexy Metalwork

I’ve addressed how the Bible clearly endorses rather than forbids body piercings, though as with anything else that affects our appearance (tattoos, for example), we [...]


couple making out in parked car


Most readers knew of PDAs before coming to this site, but what's this PDS thing? PDS is Publically Discreet Sexuality, a label I've given sexual acts that take place in public settings but are not necessarily under the public's scrutiny. [...]


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