Christian Living

Raphael, St Paul Preaching in Athens

Misogyny and Malarkey – Teachers

Why do we see Paul seem to go all macho in 1 Timothy 2:11-12 (NASB): "A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." [...]


My Fellow Inmates

My Joseph Journey – The Inmates

I have always been a people watcher, but no mall, school, airport, or ComicCon could ever prepare me for the characters I'd get to watch in prison. [...]


Rembrandt's A Woman Bathing

Misogyny and Malarkey – Introduction

Millennia of being treated as second-class citizens (often legally designated as such), being forbidden certain rights and privileges afforded to men, and generally being taught that God has made them inferior to men... that's rough. [...]


security fence

On the Boundaries of Sin

The nonbeliever often perceives Christianity as being a set of arbitrary rules and regulations to follow in order to meet some equally arbitrary goal that permits some reward called "heaven" after one's death. The mature believer, apart from knowing no obedience to a set of rules (arbitrary or not) is sufficient for heavenly rewards, recognizes the Law of God to be not arbitrary at all. Rather, His rules are for our best interests. [...]


Christian Self-Love

What does this much-vaunted idea of humility entail? Is there room for a Christian self-love or self-esteem? Or are we all depraved and worthless? [...]


integrity - a foundation of sand

Integral Faith – A Foundation of Sand

Years ago, I was fiery evangelical. Today, I'm very much not. Did I backslide? Or did I mature? I've been wrestling with this question a lot lately. [...]


no cussing sign from Virginia Beach

The Bible on Unwholesome Talk

There's a third way explicit language comes under attack, empowered by Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth..." [...]


Christmas presents under the tree

It’s What You Make of It – Christmas

Last time I complained about the hypocrisy of Christians rabidly condemning Halloween for its pagan origins while happily celebrating Easter despite its arguably pagan [...]


Easter eggs in a basket

It’s What You Make of It – Easter

Some Christians even claim that 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 refers to an early Easter celebration, but serious scholars dismiss that out of hand. Still, the celebration of Easter is quite old. [...]


Adam and Eve by Antonio Molinari

Misogyny and Malarkey – Creation

The common tradition often holds the Creation story in Genesis as a historical, scriptural precedent for the built-in superiority of man over woman. That's misogyny and malarkey. Typically, Genesis 3:16 is the go-to verse for substantiation of this idea that men were created superior. [...]


The Ale-House Door by Henry Singleton

Misogyny and Malarkey – The Head

Paul's teachings found in Ephesians 5 have long been used to communicate that wives (and therefore women) are positionally beneath their husbands (and therefore men), as God has placed man as the "head of the household". [...]


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