Santa Baby

woman in short

Growing up, my family had a fun little Christmas Eve tradition that was hardly unique. My parents would pick out a single gift for each person, and we’d all get to open this gift a day early.

Clara and I have modified this a bit for fun, where the single gift is a pair of pajamas that will be worn in the following morning’s family time. Sometimes we go over the top with ridiculously exaggerated Christmas designs, picking out the cheesiest things we could find (mostly for pictures), but not always. Usually, we just get something warm, soft, or otherwise enjoyable for the wearer. Something they’ll keep on wearing.

You know the sexy little female version of Santa’s outfit? I’m going to get one for my wife, perhaps with some white stockings, and that’s what she’ll wear all evening.

This fun little tradition, with a simple twist, can become one of our #irreverentholidays.

You know that skimpy little plush red dress with white furry trim? The sexy little female version of Santa’s outfit? I’m going to get one for my wife, perhaps with some white stockings, and that’s what she’ll wear all evening. When she gives the presents to the kids, I’ll get to watch her bend over… Mmmm…

And once it’s bedtime, we put on a recording of Santa Baby, a song my wife adores, and she gives me a little dance in her outfit. Then, we have a little fun to celebrate in a more two-way way, though she might just have to keep on the costume the whole time.

Some traditions are just awesome.

Plus, this makes it easier to swallow knowing she’ll have on long, loose pajamas for most of the following morning, if not all day.

And it’s only temporarily one-sided. Christmas Day has its own little irreverent fun, and in it, I’ll be returning the favor.

Originally posted 2015-12-11 08:00:39.

Photo credit: Thomas Hawk / Foter / CC BY-NC
About Phil (241 Articles)
Philip Osgood is a Christian husband, father, and writer who considers himself a passable video game player, fiction reader, camping and hiking enthusiast, welder, computer guy, and fitness aficionado, though real experts in each field might just die of laughter to hear him claim it. He has been called snarky, cynical, intelligent, eccentric, creative, logical, and Steve for some reason. Phil and his beautiful wife Clara live in Texas with their children in a house with a dog but no white picket fence. He does own a titanium spork from ThinkGeek, though, so he must be alright.

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