My Milf

When my wife is being the mother of my children, it’s sexy. Bottom line.
It’s hard to be sexier than my wife when she’s being deliberately sensual. Dancing, bathing, or even masturbating, my wife knows how to turn me on when she wants to try.
What surprises her, though, is when she turns me on when she’s not trying. And on this front, nothing beats her being a mother. She’s beautiful when she hugs our son, tickles our godchild, or reads a parenting book.
I’ve addressed that she’s physically never sexier than when she’s pregnant, and this comes from the same source. There’s something irresistible about having my better half be all woman. Disciplining our children is hot. Giving them baths is seductive. Shopping for their clothes is enthralling.
When my wife is being the mother of my children, it’s sexy. Bottom line.
It doesn’t matter if she’s frustrated about disobedience, covered in poop from a diaper, or in tears as she disciplines herself not to rush in and fix things so our daughter can learn to cope herself. She’s beautiful. And I want her.
Admittedly, she needs to shower first. Poop is never attractive.
My wife is my milf. She may not get it, but that’s fine. In this case, she knows how to work it without meaning to.
Originally posted 2015-10-02 08:00:48.
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