
heart shape on wet window

To the Window

Unfortunately, glass has a two-way quality. With two-story houses that can see over our privacy fence behind us, this poses a quandary. You see, generally, we're pretty "clothing optional" about things [...]


door knocker

Hey, Get the Door; I’m Not Decent!

I love the image of my wife opening the door while she’s “not decent”. “Hey, get the door!” she calls as the doorbell finishes ringing, [...]


Public Display of Affection

PDA – Public Displays of Affection

There’s something thrilling about making a public claim on my wife. It’s like sticking my own personal imperial flag in the ground and shouting, “I claim [...]


couple making out in parked car


Most readers knew of PDAs before coming to this site, but what's this PDS thing? PDS is Publically Discreet Sexuality, a label I've given sexual acts that take place in public settings but are not necessarily under the public's scrutiny. [...]
