Sex Game: Cluthes – A Clue Sex Game
Cluthes is all about clothes; each room change could result in a change of attire, and you can risk losing some (or all) of your clothing for a while after the game’s completion. This Clue sex game is based on the recent edition of this classic favorite, and is a fun option to see your spouse in a lot of different clothes.
Each player wears casual attire at the start of the game but needs to have available the attire options listed in the Per-Player Supplies as well as a sheet (alternately, you can opt for a blanket if it’s very cold). Each player may also opt to include appropriate props for fun (a pipe for the robe, floaties for the swimsuit, etc.).
The game should be played when it is nearly or completely dark outside, or there is reasonable privacy.
Near the gameplay area but out of immediate view, there should be a place where players may change clothes conveniently.
In addition, you’ll need the items listed in the General Supplies optionally including alcohol.
The game is set up according to traditional Clue rules.
The game is over once the mystery is solved or all players die by the clock.
Special Rules
The following special rules supplement traditional gameplay.
- Entering Rooms – When a player enters a room, they are required to do a certain thing based on the room they’re entering.
- Pool: change into swimwear
- Spa: change into a robe (nothing more than underwear is permitted under a robe)
- Guest House: change into pajamas (or lingerie)
- Living Room: change into casual wear
- Patio: roll a die and multiply the result by ten, and spend that number of seconds outdoors. Roll another die. If 1-4, spend the time outside stretching; if 5, do jumping jacks; if 6, run or jog.
- Hall: turn on the music, roll a die and multiply the result by ten, and spend that number of seconds dancing. Roll another die. If 1-4, the dancer picks the dance; if 5, the next player picks; if 6, it’s a lap dance.
- Kitchen: put on the apron, removing it from another player if it’s already worn.
- Dining Room: put on the bib, removing it from another player if it’s already worn.
- Observatory: get mooned
- Theater: the next time the player changes clothes, it must be done in plain view.
- Power – If a player uses their character’s power and you’ve opted to include alcohol in your gameplay, they must drink a shot.
- Clock – If there are not seven Clock cards already out and you’ve opted to include alcohol in your gameplay, take a shot.
If it’s an eighth Clock card and the player is murdered, the player must remove all their clothing (not in immediate view unless still subject to the Observatory rule above) and is permitted to only wear a sheet (or a blanket) wrapped around their body (like a corpse in the morgue) This arrangement must continue for at least one hour after the game concludes. - Rumors – If a player’s rumor is proven false, they must remove one article of clothing. This article may be the bib or apron if worn, and it only affects the current outfit. Once a room change causes a change of clothes, the player is no longer one article short.
If the rumor is not proven false, the player regains an article. The bib or apron cannot be regained through this method. - Accusations – After changing into a swimsuit after entering the Pool, the player makes their accusation.
If a player’s accusation is correct:
- The loser takes a shot, if you’ve opted to include alcohol in your gameplay.
- The winner changes into comfortable attire.
- If the loser is not dead and has not made a false accusation, the loser changes into comfortable attire.
If a player’s accusation is false:
- The player forfeits the game per normal rules.
- The player who forfeits remains in their swimsuit until at least one hour after gameplay.
- If the player turns out to be the murderer, they also forfeit one piece of their swimsuit. If they’re only wearing one, well, sorry about their luck.