As I rubbed, her feet soaked in the oil thirstily. Almond oil makes a great base, but when using it for massage oil, be prepared to continually pour more on. Even [...]
This isn’t really a story of mindless romance. It’s certainly not a sexual romp. And by no means is it some saccharine utopian nonsense. This is a personal story. [...]
The room was redolent with lavender as I dried off her feet. This woman was entrusting me with far more than I’d bargained for, and I was determined she would not [...]
The lavender fog had followed us into the bedroom. I hadn’t been here since I filled a duffle bag with clothes and moved out. The unnatural tragedy of that day still [...]
It was homemade oil. Err — home-mixed. I’d researched online my options and bought the essential oils to mix myself. I used almond oil as a base, which made it [...]
The lower half of her legs glistened with lavender-scented oil as she regarded me. “Are you sure?” she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly but not in any sort of [...]